The Importance of Liturgical Design

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The most common question we hear from clients is when they should enlist the help of a liturgical designer. Oftentimes, the design and layout of the liturgical furnishings is left to the end, and that can lead to problems. In a perfect world, a church should be designed from the inside out, and the flow and placement of the furnishings should be looked at from a liturgical point of view. A liturgical design consultant can actually help you choose an architect and then serve as a bridge between the church community and the architect and contractor. ​Materials, colors, shapes, etc. should be driven by the liturgical furnishings, not the interior designer.

Just about anyone can make a nice piece of furniture.  Designing worship space is much more than that. Extreme care must be taken in the conceptualization, design, placement, and flow of liturgical interior space and liturgical furniture. Liturgical design must not be left up to personal taste but instead be solidly based upon approved guidelines and a strong foundation in the theology of liturgy.  Liturgical design must be practical as well as beautiful.  Liturgical furnishings should function for their intended purpose but not impose themselves upon the senses.

​It all flows from the liturgy.